Freitag, 20. Juli 2012

Day 9: A photo of a celebrity you would love to be best friends with

So I think I'd pick Sonny John Moore aka Skrillex.

As far as I can tell (and as far as you should already be able to tell that I really spent a lot of time recently with listening and getting to know more about Skrillex and deadmau5) he seems to be such a cutie. Like a REAL cutiepie, he's always nice to everyone, especially his fans, and I've seen him live two weeks ago, and I've never seen something so AMAZING and INSANE at the same time. He's a really amazing musician, not only in the electronic genre. (remember he was the singer of From First to Last)
And I really like that he's such a HUGE Disney fan C: he enjoys almost every movie, as far as I know.
He seems to be a really good friend and an amazing person.. So I guess I'd really love to be best friends with Skrillz. C:

 the baby is sleepy...and so adoreable xD he's like the most adoreable person I've ever seen.

and last but not least a picture of Skrillz and my EDM love, deadmau5, again ''D (I know the amount of deadmau5 in here is too damn high, but be aware..there are going to me loads more haha xDD)



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