So I haven't updated my blog since a week or something, so now I'm just gonna make a long post, instead of a few little ones.
I'm starting with what I'm listening to at the moment: 30 seconds to mars - Echelon
I'm writing this, because what I'm listening to, defines me. Most of the time.
So on Tuesday I met my friend Pat C: we went to the coffe shop and to H&M, were I just handed him some good looking stuff, he tried it on and - it fits him perfectly :DDD
i really like that pullover, and he can wear such things, because they fit him perfectly. the only thing that's irritating is the price tag x'D |
We are so AHWSUM! DD: unbelievable! |
As I said before, after going to H&M we went to coffe shop C: <3~*
Pat got a "christmas coffe" at least I think that it was called like that, and I got hot chocolate with marshmallows *-* |
the little marshmallows look so cute >////< and it really tasted great C: |
He is so pretty, and I love his neat and unique style. C: |
After that we went to Thalia, and there I found a christmas present, that I ABSOLUTELY WANT WANT WANT!! *^* The Lady Gaga Photobook ;////; I. NEED. IT!!
It's so preeetty ;///; *want want want* |
I took some pictures from the book~
she's so incredibly beautiful ;O; *can't handle my feelings* |
put your paws up, monsters! |
She's so unique!! godlike. |
sexy gurrrlll xDD <3 |
Gaga and the Monsters Pride C: |
"The reason why I am so loyal to the gay community, is because they've been so loyal to me." - Gaga |
So yeah, all I want for christmas is that book xD
The next day I went to my best friend Inu, cause she needed help for a project at school C:
hanging out like a BAWS! those are my legs btw, and the skinny girl is her xD |
looking at 30STM pics on tumblr *^* <3 |
That's the poster she bought at the concert we were at together C: |
that's a part out of 30secondstomars lyrics, and I really liked the idea how she managed that. she cut out every single letter and put them on the wall xD I love that song, and so does she. |
so I'm going to the hairdresser on wednesday, that's the reason why I want to upload a few pictures with my old hairstyle xD IT'S NEVER GONNA BE THE SAME! °^° *jk* |
Today a girl from my class made something very cute xD look at that:
it has my name on it *^* |
And last but not least I lately found a picture of Kaosu and myself, and I really like it C:
i somehow miss my purple hair ;O; | long~
[ みな 大崎 ]
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