Montag, 21. November 2011

Weekend review~*

so this weekend was very very funny, but also extremely exhausting. And now I'm ill ^^° But that was totally worth it.

So on thursday I was getting ready for my best friend Inura's prom. It was a really beautiful prom, and I had MUCH MUCH fun. C: I'm still very thankful, that she invited me!

On friday I drove to my girlfriend, with the train C:We only see each other on weekends, so it's often a really rough time for me. I love her a lot, and I miss her every single second when she's not with me ._.

She was totally cute and made me some tea, and brought me some heart shaped ginger bread with chocolate ^/////^ so cute~ <3

So we had a little party on saturday, cause Pat, a very good friend of mine had his birthday on wednesday and we celebrated on saturday! :3 my outfit for the party was nothing special actually. The best thing was the necklace from my friend Momoko, I wore. She owes her own jewelry label called "sweet ticket". just google it C: you'll be surprised about her amazingness!
Everyone of you who recognizes it, is ahwsum! ;D hurrdurrrr. I got this one from Momoko as a gift because I decided to be FREAKIN' funny on MAConvention '11 and me and a few friends "cosplayed" some of the meme's from memebase.

And on sunday we all had a big hangover haha! *Q*

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